Patent Application

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Patent Application Filing in India

In accordance with the provisions of the Patent Act, the inventor, his assignee, or legal representative of a deceased person, who before his death was either the inventor or assignee, can apply for patents at the head office of the Indian Patent Office or its branches depending upon in whose jurisdiction he resides or has a domicile or has a principle office of business.

In the case of a foreign applicant, the application can be filed at the appropriate office, in whose jurisdiction the address for service or patent attorney’s office is situated.

Every application for a patent shall be made for one invention only or a group of inventions which are linked to each other by a single inventive concept.

Along with the application for grant of patent and specification, the applicant is required to submit the documents.

What are the Documents required for filing a Patent Application in India?

Cost for every extra sheet over 30 sheets during the patent application process

The Official Fees for every extra sheet over 30 sheets during the patent application process in India is as follows:

Types of Patent Applications:

Ordinary Application:

The first patent application filed in the Patent Office without claiming priority from any application or without any reference to any other application under process in the Patent office is called an ordinary application. The ordinary application can be provisional application or non-provisional application (not preceded by a provisional application).

Requirements for Provisional application:

  1. A provisional application is to be submitted in Form 2 along with the Application in Form 1 and other documents, in duplicate, along with the prescribed fee as given in the First Schedule. The first page of the Form 2 shall contain:

2. Description of the invention beginning with a title sufficiently indicating the subject-matter to which the invention relates.

3. Drawings, wherever required.

4. Claims may not be included in the Provisional Specification as the purpose of filing a Provisional Specification is to claim a priority date.

5. It may be noted that a Provisional Specification cannot be filed in case of a Divisional, Convention or a PCT National Phase Application. In such cases, filing a Complete Specification is a mandatory requirement.

6.The complete specification should be filed within 12 months from the date of filing of the provisional application. Failure to comply with this requirement, the application shall be deemed to be abandoned as per Section 9(1) of the Indian Patents Act, 1970.


Requirements for non-provisional application:

1.The complete specification should fully and particularly describe the invention and its operation or use and the method by which it is to be performed;

2.Unity of invention- Section 10(5) of the Indian Patents Act, 1970 states that the claim or claims of a complete specification shall relate to a single invention, or to a group of inventions linked so as to form a single inventive concept, shall be clear and succinct and shall be fairly based on the matter disclosed in the specification.

3.Power of authority in Form 26 is required if the patent application is filed through a Patent Agent. In case a general power of authority has already been filed in another application, a self attested copy of the same may be filed by the Agent. In case the original general power of authority has been filed in another jurisdiction, that fact may also be mentioned in the self attested copy.

4.An applicant must file Form 3 either along with the application or within 6 months from the date of application.

5.If the applicant is a small entity, he needs to submit Form 28 along with proof of small entity status at every stage where the fee applicable for a small entity is claimed.